public function onCalculateOrderMinCost( float $costarray $args ) : float

Fires while fetching the minimum cost for ordering.


Plugins can use this hook to override at runtime the minimum cost for food ordering.



(float)  The minimum cost based on configuration and delivery area.


(array)  An associative array containing the order query.

  • date - the check-in date of the order, formatted according to the configuration;
  • hourmin - the check-in time of the order, using the 24H format;
  • delivery - true in case of delivery service, false in case of pickup.

Return Value

Float. The minimum cost to use.


The example below increases the minimum total for order placed outside the weekend and which require a delivery.

 * Plugins can use this hook to override the minimum cost at runtime.
 * @param   float  $cost  The minimum cost based on configuration and delivery area.
 * @param   array  $args  An associative array containing the order query.
 * @return  float  The minimum cost to use.
public function onCalculateOrderMinCost($cost, $args)
    // check if we have a delivery service
    if ($args['delivery']) {
        // extract hours and minutes
        list($h, $m) = explode(':', $args['hourmin']);
        // create timestamp
        $ts = VikRestaurants::createTimestamp($args['date'], (int) $h, (int) $m);
        // get day of the week
        $w = (int) date('w', $ts);

        // check whether the day is included between Mon and Thu
        if ($w >= 1 && $w <= 4) {
            // increase minimum cost by 5
            $cost += 5;

    return $cost;


Version Description
1.8.3 Introduced.
Last Update: 2023-12-29 14:15
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