public function onAfterSaveRescodeorder( array $src, bool $is_new, JTable $table ) : void

Fires after saving a new status code.


This hook is triggered after creating or updating a status code for a restaurant reservation and/or a take-away order. External plugins can use this hook to perform further actions every time the status code of a reservation/order changes.

It is possible to fetch the details of the selected status code by using the code below:

$code = JHtml::_('vikrestaurants.rescode', $src['id_rescode'], $src['group'], $src['id_order']);

The $code variable can be an object or NULL, in case the requested code does not exist. The object holds all the following information:

  • code - the name of the status code;
  • icon - the icon of the status code;
  • notes - the notes of the status code;
  • type - the ID of the group (1 for restaurant reservations, 2 for take-away orders, 3 for food);
  • rule - the rule to trigger when the status code gets selected;
  • createdby - the user ID that saved the status code;
  • createdon - the UNIX timestamp when the status code was created.



(array)  The properties of the table that have been saved.


(bool)  True in case of insert, false in case of update.


(JTable)  The table instance.

Return Value



The following example explains how to observe every status change (for take-away orders) in search of a "delivered" status code.

 * Trigger event to allow the plugins to make something after saving a status code
 * for a restaurant reservation or a take-away order.
 * @param   array   $src     The saved properties of the table.
 * @param   bool    $is_new  True in case of insert, false in case of update.
 * @param   JTable  $table   The table instance.
 * @return  void
public function onAfterSaveRescodeorder($src, $is_new, $table)
    if (!$is_new) {
        // ignore updates

    // recover the details of the status code
    $code = JHtml::_('vikrestaurants.rescode', $src['id_rescode'], $src['group'], $src['id_order']);

    if (!$code) {
    	// code not found

    if ($code->rule !== 'completed') {
        // observe only status codes with "completed" rule (delivered or picked)

    // recover the reservation/order details
    if ($src['group'] == 1) {
        // load restaurant reservation
        $order = VREOrderFactory::getReservation($src['id_order']);
    } elseif ($src['group'] == 2) {
        // load take-away order
        $order = VREOrderFactory::getOrder($src['id_order']);

     * @todo do something here


Version Description
1.8 Introduced.
Last Update: 2023-12-29 14:15