public function onInitSaveReservation( array &$data ) : void

Fires at the beginning of the saving process of a restaurant reservation.


Trigger hook to manipulate the search information during the booking process of a table.

This is the first hook that triggers after clicking the "Confirm Reservation" button.



(array)  The booking information, passed by reference. Supports all the following attributes.

  • date (string) - the check-in date string, formatted according to the plugin configuration preferences.
  • hourmin (string) - the check-in time string in 24H format.
  • people (int) - the number of selected participants.
  • table (int) - the ID of the selected table, if any.
  • id_payment (int) - the ID of the selected payment method, if any.

Return Value



 * Trigger event to manipulate the search data array.
 * @param   array  &$data  The data array.
 * @return  void
public function onInitSaveReservation(&$data)
     * @todo do stuff here


Version Description
1.9 Introduced.
Last Update: 2023-12-29 14:15
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