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Module Setup
The Special Event module is used to reserve a table of your restaurant for a certain Special Day, like "Christmas".
Before all you have to install the Special Event module by uploading the package mod_vikrestaurants_event (for your Joomla version) from the Extension Manager section in the administrator.
After the installation, it will be created automatically a new VikRestaurants Event module, which you have to edit to change the settings, the status and the menu assignments.
The custom settings of the module are the followings:
- Module ID - if you are running multiple VikRestaurants Event module in the same page, each module must have a unique ID to avoid javascript conflicts.
- Module Class Suffix - it is used to place additional classes to the wrapper of the module, so that you can customize it. You should insert a "blank space" before the class name you want to use.
- Load jQuery - most of the times the pages where you want to publish your module already load jQuery framework, so this parameter must be disabled Otherwise a jQuery conflict could occur.
- Layout - this module has only one type of layout, so you can skip this setting, unless you want to create a different view for the module.
The configuration settings of the module are the followings:
- Special Day - the special day to promote through this module. It will be possible to select only special days with a "Start Date" and "End Date" not null. If the special day is a period, it will be selected the closest day.
- Event Time - if you want to allow customers to select the time from the dropdown, you should leave this field empty, otherwise the reservation will be automatically set to the selected time. The time must be in the format H:m.
Last Update: 2015-08-31 13:31
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