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Module Setup
The Quick Reservation module is used to reserve a table in at most 30 seconds without leaving the initial page.
Before all you have to install the Quick Reservation module by uploading the package mod_vikrestaurants_quickres (for your Joomla version) from the Extension Manager section in the administrator.
After the installation, it will be created automatically a new VikRestaurants Quick Reservation module, which you have to edit to change the settings, the status and the menu assignments.
The custom settings of the module are the followings:
- Module Class Suffix - it is used to place additional classes to the wrapper of the module, so that you can customize it. You should insert a "blank space" before the class name you want to use.
- Load jQuery - most of the times the pages where you want to publish your module already load jQuery framework, so this parameter must be disabled Otherwise a jQuery conflict could occur.
- Layout - this module has only one type of layout, so you can skip this setting, unless you want to create a different view for the module.
The configuration settings of the module are the followings:
- Session Lifetime - customers can store a reservation every X minutes. It is suggested to have this value higher than 0 to avoid SPAM attempts.
- Rooms Choosable - allow customer to select the room (only when possible). When this parameter is disabled, customers will be automatically assigned to the first available room. This step won't be displayed.
- Head Title - the main title of the module to place in the head.
- Head Sub-Title - the secondary title of the module to place in the head.
- Image URL - the URL of your logo image to display in the head of the module.
- Auto Redirect - auto redirect customers to the order page when the reservation is completed.
- Order Summary - a short text to display when the reservation is completed. Ignore this field if the "Auto Redirect" parameter is enabled.
Last Update: 2015-08-31 13:20