The translation doesn't work
Syntax Error
If your language file contains one or more syntax errors, the file will result as corrupted and the default English language will be used.
Make sure all the line in your file are wrote following the syntax below:
LANGKEY="Translated Text"
This line represents:
- the status language key used from the program (LANGKEY) and must not be changed
- the equals symbol (=)
- the text to translate, wrapped between 2 double quotes ("Translated text").
To translate the example above in Spanish, the code will be:
LANGKEY="Texto Traducido"
Even if a single quote is missing or an equals doesn't exist on a line, your file will result as damaged and couldn't be read from Joomla.
When your language definitions contain double quotes ", make sure to be using the escape character or syntax errors will occur. For example, if you need to use a translation containing double quotes like "Starting From" Price, the two double quotes must be escaped as follows:
LANGKEY="\"Starting From\" Price"
The escape method consists in placing a leading back-slash before each double quote which is part of the translation.
Wrong File Translated
The file you translated may not affect the section you are looking for. Each section of the extension can be translated from a different file.
All the language files of the extension are located in the following directories:
The en-GB folder contains only the original language file of the extension. The translated language files will be located in a different tag folder, like fr-FR or de-DE or es-ES or it-IT and so on.
If you want to translate something from VikRestaurants you have to edit the following files (assuming the selected language is es-ES):
- Administrator - /administrator/language/es-ES/es-ES.com_vikrestaurants.ini
- System - /administrator/language/es-ES/es-ES.com_vikrestaurants.sys.ini
- Front Site - /language/es-ES/es-ES.com_vikrestaurants.ini
- Restaurant Search Module - /language/es-ES/es-ES.mod_vikrestaurants_search.ini
- Quick Reservation Module - /language/es-ES/es-ES.mod_vikrestaurants_quickres.ini
- Special Event Module - /language/es-ES/es-ES.mod_vikrestaurants_event.ini
- Take-Away Cart Module - /language/es-ES/es-ES.mod_vikrestaurants_takeaway_cart.ini
- Take-Away Deals Module - /language/es-ES/es-ES.mod_vikrestaurants_takeaway_deals.ini
Wrong Current Language
The default language set on your Joomla doesn't match the language file you translated.
In example you are using Spanish language in the front-end but you translated the /language/en-GB/en-GB.com_vikrestaurants.ini file (or vice-versa).
In this case you will notice the changes only by switching the default language to en-GB.