Do you need to move to a new website? Or do you need to set up a new website by replicating the same configuration used on a different installation? Here you can find how the backups will help you fulfill these requests.


First of all, you need to export the data currently installed on your website. Here's a list of steps to follow:

  1. visit the Configuration > Applications page from the back-end of VikRestaurants;
  2. access the Backup section;
  3. click the Manage Backups button;
  4. hit the New button from the toolbar;
  5. make sure the "Create New" option has been selected under the Action parameter;
  6. select the correct export type (full if you wish to export an exact copy, management if you wish to export only the system configuration);
  7. click the Save button;
  8. click the button under the Download column of the selected record.


Once the backup has been downloaded, open the other website and follow these steps:

  1. visit the Configuration > Applications page from the back-end of VikRestaurants;
  2. access the Backup section;
  3. click the Manage Backups button;
  4. hit the New button from the toolbar;
  5. pick the "Upload Existing" option from the Action parameter;
  6. drag the downloaded ZIP and drop it within the specified area;
  7. click the Save button.


After importing the backup, you should now see a new record under the list. You should now follow these steps:

  1. hit the button under the Restore column of the selected backup;
  2. confirm the first alert;
  3. confirm the second alert;
  4. wait for the process completion.
Last Update: 2023-10-19 15:43