Prices per Week
From the page Rates Table it is possible to define the exact costs for each night of stay allowed. This will be the default pricing-inventory that will be applied all year long unless there are some Special Prices altering the costs on some seasons/festivities/holidays of the year.
Those with the need of forcing a minimum stay of 6-7 nights (a week) should use the Restrictions if this has to be applied only during certain months/periods of the year. By setting a Minimum Length of Stay it is possible to force the calendars to give a minimum and/or maximum duration of the stay. Otherwise, if this is valid all year long then it is sufficient to set a global minimum length of stay (Min LOS) from the Configuration page.
It is always recommended to have a cost for 1 night of stay for each room type but in case of apartments, this is not necessary and the pricing in the Rates Table could contain only rates for 7, 14, 21 etc... nights. Just remember that in case the apartment/room doesn't have a cost in the Rates Table page for the number of nights requested, the booking will not be possible. When users are searching or booking a room type for 7 nights, the system will check if there are costs defined for 7 nights or the booking will not be allowed.