VikRestaurants 1.8.5 Release
VikRestaurants 1.8.5 is now available.
This version brings a few minor changes, some bug fixes and adds support to Joomla! 4.
What's in 1.8.5?
Here is a list of what this new version brings.
New Features
- Added a new driver to export the reservations/orders in a CSV format compatible with Microsoft Excel.
- Added support to Joomla! 4.
- FontAwesome has been updated to the 5.15.3 version.
- The CSV export driver now includes a new column with the selected payment method.
- Added some plugin hooks to allow the extendability of the CSV export driver.
- The management of the locations have been moved from the Take-Away Map module to the configuration of the component.
- Improved the stability of the PayPal integration.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that was allowing the customers to delete the food after the closure of the bill.
- Fixed an issue that was not considering the charge/discount of the products while editing the bill from the operators area.
- Replaced 2 wrong heading titles from the summary page of a take-away order in the front-end.
- Fixed an issue with the information of the internal media files.
Got Errors During the Update?
If the update process gave you some errors, then it may be possible that your current installation or account are not allowed to install the new version of VikRestaurants for free. This may be due to 2 different factors:
- the domain from which you are requesting the update is not registered;
- your support license expired.
In case you are sure that your website is properly registered on our system, then you may have to purchase another copy of VikRestaurants in order to extend your support license by another year. Click HERE if you wish to go ahead with the purchase.
Otherwise just contact us if you don't know what you should do.
Enjoy your new VikRestaurants!