VikRestaurants 1.10 - Major Release
VikRestaurants 1.10 is now available.
This version contains some new features, several enhancements and bug fixes.
What's in 1.10?
Here is a list of what this new version brings.
New Features
- Implemented a cron job system to periodically execute specific processes (such as notification reminders).
- Implemented a new dashboard widget to register administrative notes on the fly.
- It is now possible to schedule recurring room closures.
- Implemented a new driver to send SMS notifications through Whatsapp (WhatsApp Business account required).
- Added a new setting to choose whether the customers are allowed to self-close the bill.
- The Reservations and Orders dashboard widgets have now quick access to the notes (when available).
- It is now possible to specify a different tax rate for the delivery service.
- The Kitchen widget is now able to play a sound every time a new dish comes in.
- The system now uses the Confirmed status by default while creating new reservations and orders.
- Various UI/UX improvements applied to the operators area.
- Added a new tag for the SMS template able to include the PIN code.
- The system now displays a descriptive error message to explain why the coupon validation failed.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented the system from notifying the administrator about low stock products.
- Fixed an issue with the translation of the topping group descriptions.
- Fixed an issue that was not properly updating the serving number from the front-end.
- Fixed some misleading texts.
- Protected some back-end tasks from XSS vulnerabilities.
Got Errors During the Update?
If the update process gave you some errors, then it may be possible that your current installation or account are not allowed to install the new version of VikRestaurants for free. This may be due to 2 different factors:
- the domain from which you are requesting the update is not registered;
- your support license expired.
In case you are sure that your website is properly registered on our system, then you may have to purchase another copy of VikRestaurants in order to extend your support license by another year. Click HERE if you wish to go ahead with the purchase.
Otherwise just contact us if you don't know what you should do.
Enjoy your new VikRestaurants!