VikRentCar v1.14.5
A new version of Vik Rent Car has been released with many exciting new features!
VikRentCar v1.14.5 is now available! We have introduced tens of new features with this new release. This update introduces full compatibility with Joomla 4.x and of course still with Joomla 3.x.
VikRentCar v1.14.5 is now available! We have introduced tens of new features with this new release. This update introduces full compatibility with Joomla 4.x and of course still with Joomla 3.x.
How to update to the latest version?
You can install the latest version of Vik Rent Car through the Joomla native update functions, or by using our free plugin Vik Updater.
The policy for the updates of this extension hasn't changed: updating is free only if you have purchased a copy of Vik Rent Car, or a copy of the previous Updates, after May 1st 2021. This means that your Support License must be active on the release date of the new version of Vik Rent Car, which is November 2nd 2021. Those who have purchased the extension or an update before May 2021, will be asked to purchase it the again. This will give you access to free updates for another update cycle, and it will renew your Support License for another year.
IMPORTANT: please remember to check for any updates for the modules of Vik Rent Car. This can be easily done from your Joomla administrator section, by clicking on Extensions - Manage - Update.
What's new in Vik Rent Car 1.14.5? Here's the full changelog
New Features
Dashboard Admin Widgets
A brand-new dashboard is now available. You can customize the contents and the positions of the elements through elegant admin widgets. You could also code your own admin-widget by creating a native Joomla plugin that extends the default functions of Vik Rent Car. -
Calendar Day-Notes
The new dashboard admin widget Reminders, and the page Availability Overview will let you define and manage notes for any date of the year, for any vehicle and sub-unit. This is to keep track of important notices. -
Rental Orders Registration Status
Flag your rentals orders as no-show, started or terminated. -
Order History
Every rental order will keep track of all the events that occurred for that specific order. Creation date, payments received, modification logs, cancellations and much more. -
Multiple Payments
Rental orders can now accept multiple payments. For example, guests could pay a deposit, and then make the final payment of the remaining balance. -
Request Payments
It is now possible to request a custom payment for any rental order, even for the confirmed ones, or for the ones with no amount paid. -
Search Suggestions
In case of no availability for the dates requested, the system will attempt to suggest the best and closest available dates according to the input parameters. A huge benefit to not miss on new possible bookings. -
Preferred Colors
The configuration page will allow you to select your preferred colors for elements, texts and buttons through simple color pickers. No more CSS overrides needed with this useful feature! -
Forced Availability
Back-end reservations can be forced even on dates for cars with no availability.
New core framework
This is a major release that includes a brand new core-framework. -
New front-end layouts
Many Views (pages) of the front-end sections have been re-designed with a better responsiveness for mobile devices.
Joomla 4
The framework provides full compatibility with the latest Joomla 4 version. -
MVC Framework
Models, Views and Controllers have been updated
Enjoy your new Vik Rent Car!