VikAppointments 1.7.6 Release
VikAppointments 1.7.6 is now available.
This version contains some new features, several enhancements and a few bug fixes.
What's in 1.7.6?
Here is a list of what this new version brings.
New Features
- It is now possible to clone the working days from the management page of the employees.
- Implemented a new configuration section to configure the currency conversion.
- Added a new module to let the users select their preferred currency.
- The employees area now forces the users to fill in all the missing required fields before to start/keep using it.
- Implemented a new API event to fetch the details of the appointment matching a given identifier.
- Implemented a framework to override the pages of the plugin from the back-end.
- The script URL for the conversion tracking now supports custom attributes.
- Added a new parameter to choose the height per pixel used to display the events in the weekly calendar.
- Improved the readability of the events displayed in the calendar widget (dashboard).
- The access level of the services is now ignored if we are in the back-end.
- The system is now able to auto-remove the expired reservations also for those users that only use the One-Page Booking widget.
- The separator custom field now prefers the description, when specified.
Bug Fixes
- The service duration can now be lower than 5 minutes.
- Fixed an issue with the check-in timezone used in the cron job notifications for the employees and administrators.
- Fixed an issue with the end date calendar under the page used to export the appointments.
- The URL used to print an appointment from the front-end is now properly rewritten.
- Fixed various PHP errors.
How do I get the Currency Converter module?
The first thing to do is copying the following URL.
Afterwards you should open the back-end of your Joomla! and visit the installation page, which may vary depending on your current version:
- Extensions > Manage > Install on Joomla! 3;
- System > Install > Extensions on Joomla! 4.
From this page you should access the Install from URL section and paste the previously copied URL into the apposite field. Hit the Check and Install button to download and install the module.
Got Errors During the Update?
If the update process gave you some errors, then it may be possible that your current installation or account are not allowed to install the new version of VikAppointments for free. This may be due to 2 different factors:
- the domain from which you are requesting the update is not registered;
- your support license expired.
In case you are sure that your website is properly registered on our system, then you may have to purchase another copy of VikAppointments in order to extend your support license by another year. Click HERE if you wish to go ahead with the purchase.
Otherwise just contact us if you don't know what you should do.
Enjoy your new VikAppointments!