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We offer a list of responsive Templates designed specifically for our extensions.
Choose your favourite!

Template Adventures

Modern and responsive template for Car Rentals activities.
Compatible with Vik Rent Car.

50 €

Template Drivers

Modern Responsive Template for any kind of Vehicles rental agency.
Compatible with Vik Rent Car.

40 €

Template MediCenter

Modern Responsive Templates for any kind of business based on appointments, schedules, agendas for the VikAppointments.

50 €

Template Pasta & Pizza

Modern and responsive template for Restaurants and Take Aways activities.
Compatible with Vik Restaurants.

50 €

Template Plaza

Hotel Booking Template for Hotels, B&B, Hostels, Apartments.
Compatible with Vik Booking.

50 €

Template Seasons

Modern Responsive Template for Hotels, B&B, Hostels, Apartments.
Compatible with Vik Booking.

40 €